A while ago I’ve started a convenience, zero error-handling, json serializer wrapper around picojson based on the Boost.Serialization and hiberlite APIs. Today the wrapper got even less intrusive for DTOs that expose their members.
Given a class that cannot be extended in its declaration, but the internals are accessible (following to the Boost.Serialization free function API):
struct Untouchable { int value; };
With a free function defined in the ::picojson::convert
namespace picojson { namespace convert { template <class Archive> void json(Archive &ar, Untouchable &u) { ar &picojson::convert::member("value", u.value); } } }
serialization is “again” possible:
Untouchable example = { 42 }; std::string example_string( picojson::convert::to_string(example) ); Untouchable example_deserialized = { 0 }; picojson::convert::from_string( example_string, example_deserialized ); CHECK( example.value == example_deserialized.value );